
AUDIO LIGHT LEAP, Wednesday, February 29, 7-10 pm

With works by Caroline Burghardt + Amanda Tiller, David B. Smith, and Audra Wolowiec
Arts@Renaissance, 2 Kingsland Ave, Greenpoint, Brooklyn (off Graham L stop)

Double Oval Fantasy presented by David B. Smith. This piece layers Bob Ross's monotone yet supportive voice with two spotlights that shift hue and position according to his use of paint. The image from the 200th episode of The Joy of Painting is removed, opening a space of possibility and imagination. The large room, filled with Ross' voice triggering shifting colored lights provides a chance for meditation on creativity, positivity, and loss.

Listening Loops presented by Audra Wolowiec
What does it sound like to listen? Can you hear someone hearing?
Interdisciplinary artist Audra Wolowiec will present a participatory event that explores listening through altered medical devices. This experiment in connective listening both join and separate while allowing participants to hear internal sounds just below the surface.

To Be Determined: Caroline Burghardt and Amanda Tiller present a mash-up collage musical movie, the narrative of which is drawn from classic Disney romances. The original songs will be replaced with well-known songs taken from other live-action musical movies. This video performance is a revision of our childhood notions of love seen through our jaded adult eyes. Audience members are encouraged to join in and sing along. BYOB encouraged, popcorn provided.
(screening at 8:30 & 9:30 pm)


A-Maize-ing Grain: Sunday, February 26, 12-4 pm

2 Kingsland Ave, Greenpoint, Brooklyn (off Graham L stop)

Suko Presseau, farm-educator for McEnroe Organic Farms in upstate NY, along with Caroline Burghardt present a family friendly food and crafts day that will explore Maize (corn) through a variety of hands-on activities. There will be information on the history of the cultivation and use of corn; activities of grinding cornmeal through traditional and contemporary techniques; cooking and eating corn cakes; an interactive cornfield landscape drawing with scarecrow which will be used as a photographic backdrop and as an education tool to discuss farming; and a coloring area with corn-themed pages. Children welcome with parental supervision as well adults who like corn and farms!


Paper Snowflake Workshop Day - Sunday, Feb 19, 12-4 pm

We would like to invite you to a day of fun and crafts and art! Tap into your childhood or bring a child (you can probably borrow one).

Let's make what may be the only snow storm this 2012 winter. We are building a PAPER SNOWFLAKE BLIZZARD. Bring on the storm, bring on the snow!

Caroline Burghardt, Shannon Finnegan, Lisa Leighton, Deirdre McConnell, Breanne Trammell, & James Weingrod are building a collaborative interactive installation of not-just-paper snowflakes & we want you to participate. Flakes have been forming since the "Hospitality" exhibition started but the storm will really get going on our installation workshop day, Sunday, February 19 from 12-4 pm. The installation and activities will be at Arts@Renissance, 2 Kingsland Avenue, Garden Level (off Graham L stop), Brooklyn, NY 11211. (It's through the gates down the stairs and through the courtyard - look for our signs.)

We invite you to bring flakes from home or come make some with us. The flakes can be any color (preferably white, blue, grey, pastels but Cheeto orange is great too!), any kind of paper (regular, metallic, clear, tissue, etc.), or any material you fancy (paper, wire, fabric, yarn, etc.). We have materials but feel free to bring your own (especially scissors - we have a limited number).

We will have coffee, donuts, and other treats to warm you up and keep you going.

This is an ALL AGES event. Kids welcome (with parental supervision).

If you can't make it Sunday you can bring or make them any time you visit the show. By the end of the exhibition we will have the wildest, most colorful storm this winter!


Heart-Breakers and Lonely-Hearts Party

Sunday, February 12, 7-10 pm
Arts@Renissance, 2 Kingsland Avenue, Garden Level
Hosted by the RR Gang for Hospitality

We invite you to come break our heart, a piñata heart that is, and share music about love lost, love gained, love revenged, and everything in between. We have made a big beautiful piñata heart filled with sweet candies that we invite you to come bash to your hearts delight! We will also have record players and a hook up for your iPod and we invite you to share your favorite songs about love, life, or space travel, anything goes as long as it’s good!

BYOB to drown your sorrows or rejoice with. We'll also bring cupcakes & invite you to bring snacks or sweets to share - the more cracked out on sugar we get the better!